Hello. My name is Nino. I once studied physics, but now I’m a software engineer.
I made this website to practice my writing skills because I thought that might be fun and/or useful. Sometimes I don’t post a lot of stuff because I’m afraid of being wrong or looking stupid. I try not to let this anxiety control me because
I used to often hesitate to ask dumb questions, to publicly try skills I was likely to be bad at, or to visibly/loudly put forward my best guesses in areas where others knew more than me.
I was also frustrated with this hesitation, because I could feel it hampering my skill growth. (source)
Instead of cringing you can think “wow, I made a lot of progress since”. It did the trick for me, but well, YMMV. (source)
These days I’m wildly flipflopping between learning every programming language, building 3D spaceships, and trying to figure out how to make music. (I also record audiobooks for fun, but I can’t link to them publicly since they’re copyrighted. So far I’ve done Project Hail Mary, The Martian, and Paddington books 1–5. Ask me for a link if you’re interested.)
If you want to talk to me about how awesome hugs are1, you can reach me at nino@ninoan.com.
Other topics work as well. ↩