When I discovered that Ghostty can change its colours based on the
system light/dark mode settings, I was curious whether I could achieve the same
effect in Neovim. It turns out, it’s possible! (You don’t need to use Ghostty
for this to work, that was just my inspiration to figure this out.)
This code only works on macOS, but I’m sure you could get an AI to translate it
to work on Windows or Linux:
function CheckAppearance() local theme = vim.fn.system('defaults read -g AppleInterfaceStyle'):gsub('\n', '') if theme == 'Dark' then vim.o.background = 'dark' vim.cmd('colorscheme modus_vivendi') vim.cmd [[ hi DiffText cterm=bold gui=bold ctermbg=225 guibg=DarkRed ]] -- For some reason the RenderMarkdown plugin doesn't pick up the changes -- when run through an autocmd vim.cmd [[ hi RenderMarkdown_bgtofg_RenderMarkdownCode guifg=#1e1e1e ]] else vim.o.background = 'light' -- These are my settings, but you can go wild and put whatever you want vim.cmd('colorscheme modus_operandi') vim.cmd [[ hi DiffText cterm=bold gui=bold ctermbg=225 guibg=LightRed ]] -- For some reason the RenderMarkdown plugin doesn't pick up the changes -- when run through an autocmd vim.cmd [[ hi RenderMarkdown_bgtofg_RenderMarkdownCode guifg=#f2f2f2 ]] endend-- Run on startupCheckAppearance()
So far, it’ll just check the appearance setting when you start Neovim. There
are a few ways to get it to dynamically detect changes to the setting:
Manually. Just create a user command and run it manually (ugh):
On focus gained. This is what I’m using – Neovim will check the appearance
whenever you activate it. This means it won’t switch immediately with the
system, but it’ll always match when you’re actually using Neovim:
Note: Some plugins might not pick up the changes properly, so you might have to
add extra stuff in the CheckAppearance function, like that
RenderMarkdown_bgtofg_RenderMarkdownCode highlight rule.
Our cat Jinx keeps getting sick
and vomiting, and the vets are saying this is most likely because young cats
like to eat random stuff outside. We really don’t want to restrict Jinx to being
an indoor cat, so we decided we would build him a little outside enclosure, a
Since this will be a big undertaking, we need to figure out what we want to
achieve with the catio, and make a plan. These are some hard requirements:
We need an enclosure that connects to the cat flap, so Jinx can get in and out
on his own.
The catio shouldn’t keep humans from using the back door to get into the
Apparently you need a permit to build anything higher than 2.5m, so that’s our
height limit.
Maintenance people still need to be able to access the pipes stuck to the
outside of the house.
And we also have some things that would be nice to have:
It would be great if there was no mesh right outside the bedroom window, and
if Jinx could get into the catio through the bedroom window.
The space should be as big as possible, so we can fit lots of toys and
climbing opportunities.
The frame shouldn’t be too tall on the neighbours’ side, so it doesn’t bother
The basic plan we started out with looked like this:
We would then add mesh to the top, the slanted area, the right side (against the
brick wall), and the side facing the viewer. The walls of our flat should
ideally not get any mesh, so Jinx can get in and out through the windows.
Buuuuut there are a bunch of pipes running along the walls, so the frame needs
to somehow go around them.
My sister came up with the idea of putting the frame far enough away from the
walls to avoid the pipes, and then fill the gaps with flat wooden panels
(highlighted in red):
I discussed the plans with my dad (who had built us a tree-house when we were
young, so I figured he might know stuff). His advice was:
Build the frame out of 8×8cm wooden planks (we later haggled him down to
7×7cm, because we couldn’t find any 8×8cm planks).
Put 90° brackets in every right angle and hinges on non-90° angles.
Add diagonal stabilising struts to reinforce the corners.
If you know me in real life, you may be wondering: Didn’t I start this whole
project like 8 million years ago? Why did it take me so long to write this post?
Well, I’ve been sitting on this unfinished draft since June, planning to have
the following be the end of the article:
The final design looks like this:%% Better design %%In the next episode, we'll look at finding materials and starting to build stuff!
But it turned out, making a nice archviz-y render of the catio never felt quite
worth it. We used Blender to solve many of the design problems – and it was
really helpful for that purpose – but once we’d figured out the general idea,
it felt really tedious to painstakingly attach every single bracket and make
sure all the beams line up right, etc. Also, whenever I started finessing the
scene, I’d hit some new design issue that we needed to solve, and that would
mean more changes to the design, so, the more high-fidelity the model, the more
stuff I’d need to change every time.
The main takeaway for this episode is:
This is an exciting project.
It was absolutely the right choice to plan this project in 3D. I tried a few
sketches on paper and I kept getting hopelessly lost.
I’d wished for a nice photoreal render at the end, but this would have
required a lot more time investment. And if I’m gonna be spending time making
“art” in Blender, I’d rather it be spaceships instead of wooden frames with
Anyway, here are some screenshots of the design as it currently exists:
I hesitate to call it “finished”, since a bunch of stuff might still change, and
we’ve probably already deviated from this plan anyway in real life.
Next time, we’ll look at the materials we got, and the beginning of the
construction process.
Elevators Lifts have this cool accessibility feature where, depending
on whether they’re going up or down, they’ll ding once or twice when they
arrive. This is so you know the direction without having to look at the display
above the doors.
I’ve finally come up with a mnemonic for remembering which is which:
One ding for going up – think “to one-up someone”
Two dings for going down – think “to double down on something”
Having a handful of different instant messaging clients on your computer is inconvenient. There is FerdiFerdium, but that’s basically just a browser with a tab for each service. I want something like Adium: an app that transparently talks to all your IM services, so you don’t have to think about it.
For years this seemed to be impossible, but recently I heard about Texts, and decided to give it a go.
My first thoughts were:
I’m baffled at how they managed to make this app, given that all modern IM services have their own custom features, and most of them are proprietary/closed-source/etc. I still can’t quite believe this is real.
And Texts is owned by Automattic, which also owns WordPress, Tumblr, Pocket Casts, etc. So it’s at least probably not a total scam.
Seeing the screenshot on their homepage, I got excited that this might actually be a native Mac app, but it turns out it’s a 350 MB Electron app.
Setup and first impressions
The setup was relatively smooth. Adding accounts worked fine. The UI is pretty ok.
There are some nice settings:
“Decrease sidebar density”, which you obviously don’t turn on, because density is good.
“Distinct bubble color for each participant in groups”, which is great.
You can add custom CSS (I guess that’s an advantage of it being an Electron app)
“Optimized message rendering (beta) — Only render on-screen messages, to improve app performance. Might have some visual glitches.” This seems like a good thing to include. They’re right about the glitches tho.
“Run with Safari renderer — Use a different rendering engine that consumes less CPU and RAM. Might have playback bugs for some messaging platforms.” This is a weird one. Do they have a special mode where it’s Electron, but not using Chromium to render?? I’m turning it on to see what it’s like.
The UI is pretty nice and feels almost like a normal app, except for the very modern-web-app-feeling tooltips:
I may be the only person on Earth with this opinion, but I do actually like the native tooltips you get on macOS (and, I assume, Windows and Linux), that only show up after you point your mouse at a thing for a second, and look a bit more subtle.
The app has a bunch of other interesting features like automatic reminders, labels, undo for sending messages (via a delay), etc. Also there are keyboard shortcuts for everything and you can change the app icon to whatever you like.
The notification settings seem reasonable too:
When first setting up my accounts, the unread counter badge in the Dock icon was stuck on 1, but that eventually resolved itself.
So the app seems nice and things broadly work. But how well does Texts support all the custom features of the various IM services?
This is Telegram, but it seems to work just as well with Messenger. Also, the original message gets a “Show reply” button and a “Show All Replies” button. “Show All Replies” opens a little popup with all replies to that particular message. (Would be nice if the UI team could make up their minds on whether they want sentence case or title case for their button labels tho.)
Forwarded messages
Nope. At least in Telegram, forwarded messages just show up as regular messages. This can be confusing, but people in my circles mostly use forwarding to quickly send a message to multiple people (i.e., send long message to person A, then forward to person B, C, etc.). In that case, it doesn’t matter that it’s not marked.
The Telegram integration even gives you an extra button for stickers.
Working totally fine in Telegram and Messenger (haven’t checked others), but the emoji picker looks a bit odd:
Yep. Text marked as a spoiler/redacted works with Telegram. You can click to reveal it.
Resource usage
CPU usage seems ok, but it uses 1 GB of RAM. But then again, what doesn’t, these days? My browser uses 5½ GB.
Texts is free for up to 10 accounts, and £12 per month if you have more. This seems fair. I don’t have 10 accounts in the app, so I’m using the free tier. But, assuming I don’t find any big issues, I’d absolutely be willing to pay £12 per month for an app like this.
Using Texts really does revive some of that Adium feeling from the early 2000s. I’ll keep using it for now and see how it goes.